... 39 Character description BBS File Manager for QBBS/RA and others ... 71 Character Description A BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use Files.BBS to describe files. ... 255 Character Description A BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use Files.BBS to describe files. QRFM will Move Files; Virus Chk.; Recompress; Edit Desc., Name, Date. Backup/Catalog files on floppy. Creates file lists including AllFiles and Cross Ref. Lists. CD-ROM Compatable & More. ... Extended Description Designed especially for the BBS with Limited Hard Disk space and without a Backup Tape Drive. QRFM will allow you to run a board with a large complement of offline files. QRFM uses a data base to manage file info and treats Offline files and Online files with equal importance. Any board that uses Files.bbs to record file descriptions should be able to use QRFM. QRFM was written in Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 and uses Turbo Vision for it's user interface. Qrfm Features: a) Move files from the Upload area to a DownLoad area, between DownLoad areas and between Download areas and BackUp flopies. b) Edit File Description, Name or Date. The description editor allows the use of 240 character descriptions. c) Check/View/Alter the contents of an Archive, (Shells to your Archive programs then your File Manager) d) Recompress File to different Compression type, (Shells to your Archive programs). e) Check for Virus, (shells to your virus checker). f) Backup Files to Floppy and Catalog those backups. g) Delete unwanted files both online and backup copies. h) Produces a variety of file lists, including .Cross Reference file lists in both .Ans and .Asc format for display with Type 45 menu item. .AllFile listings for a specified user level. .File lists of selected file areas. i) CDROM compatable QRFM is Shareware, Registration fee is $15